Slam Ringer Clear Drum Head (14")
The Slam SDH-RCL-14 Ringer Clear Head is a single ply head with a control ring on the outer edge of the head. Fat low tone with controlled mid overtones, slight mid decay.
Head thickness 0.188mm + 0.125mm
Slam drumheads are constructed from Mylar.
This is the most common material used in modern drum head design.
Slam carry a large range of drumheads that will suit any style or genre of music from Pop, rock, funk, fusion or heavy metal.
Whether in a coated, clear or hydraulic finish they offer a suitable head for all playing situations.
Slam drumheads are durable enough to take a pounding gig after gig while still holding their tuning and tonality.
Available either individually or as a set.
"BUILT TO BASH" Slam offers a high quality and affordable product without compromising tone and durability.