Seymour Duncan Polaron Analog Phase Shifter Pedal
Analog phase shifters have been a huge part of the soundtrack to our lives. Their swirly, dreamy, spacey sounds can take a normalÊtoneÊandÊtransform itÊinto something otherworldly. Some phasers are super-simple one-knob affairs, others areÊmoreÊcomplex machines. The Polaron is the perfect blend of instant-gratification simplicity and deep, feature-rich sound design.Ê The soul of the Polaron is its adjustable 2Ð toÊ16Ðstage analog filter array, which provides an amazing range of phaser tonesÑfrom subtle pulses to radical sweeps, with rotary, vocal, andÊflange-typeÊsounds along the way.ÊIn addition to Depth and Rate controls, the Tune and Resonance knobs allow you to further tailor your phase shifter effects.ÊThis 100% analog signal path delivers beautiful, warm sound quality, but we didnÕt stop there. The Polaron also features a totally separate digital processor to control LFO and envelop follower functions, for maximum flexibilityÊplusÊthe ability to save and store presets.ÊÊ In LFO mode, the Polaron can be operated like a traditional phaser, manually adjusting the controls.ÊYou can alsoÊuseÊthe Tap Tempo function to syncÊtheÊphasing toÊtheÊgroove. Engaging ENV mode lets your pick attack govern how the Polaron reacts, for a dynamic, interactive phase experience. Auto wah, talk box, and robot voices are allÊright there, along with more understated colors and textures.Ê When you discover a great sound in the Polaron (which you will again and again), itÕs easy to save it as a preset that you can recall at any time. This feature allows you to experiment, explore, and create, safe in the knowledge that you wonÕt lose yesterdayÕs or todayÕs favorite envelope, depth, rate, and tune settings.ÊÊ The Polaron Analog Phase ShifterÑAny pedal can shift phase. This one can shift yourÊperspective.Ê